Sunday 21 February 2010

New Blog! New Youtube :)

Hey everyone, or no one as this post may be actually directed towards no one at the moment!
If you're coming from my tumblr, most of you may know me as xohollowheart :) If you're coming from youtube, you may know me as LVictoriaMakeup!
This is my new beauty blog, I've always read and basically stalked beauty blogs since I was about 15, and I've been interested in cosmetics since I was about 11, so I thought I might aswell give this whole blog/youtube thing a whirl!
If you're coming from tumblr, tons of people have asked me how I do my hair/makeup, where i get my makeup from, what I use etc, so I thought this would also be a good way to answer those questions, as well as make it and excuse to blog about everything I'm obsessed with!

Seeing as I have about a million videos/posts that I could backdate from Christmas probably, I'm going to do just that :P !

I hope you all enjoy my blog and videos, if you don't, sshhh!


  1. whats your youtube link? i did search your name but couldn't find anything :( xo

  2. It's
    But at the moment there's nothing on it :( xo

  3. iv subscribed. you should do a make up tutorial or a whats in my bag everyone loves watching those :) your blog looks great so far xo

  4. Yeah I was thinking about it, gotta wait and steal my mums laptop first cause she has a webcam in hers and I don't :( Booo!

    Aw thank you so much :) Means a lot hehe xo

  5. I subscribed to your Youtube and i now follow your blog(:
